To the embassies of all countries
Call for help to the international press

This is a cry for help from a freelance journalist out of Germany who has been facing SLAPP lawsuits and being muzzled for two decades. The journalist is the president of ARCHE. She has created a platform to expose the human rights crime „Kinderraub [nicht nur] in Deutschland – Eltern-Kind-Entfremdung – Parental Alienation Syndrome“, short kid – eke – pas. Photo: Heiderose Manthey. Translation portal:
Moscow / New York / Washington / Chicago / Boardman / London / Paris / Tokyo / Beijing / The Hague / Brussels / Geneva / Zurich / Berlin / Frankfurt / Ansbach / Baumholder / Grafenwoehr / Hohenfels / Kaiserslautern / Wiesbaden / Stuttgart / Pleidelsheim / Heidelberg / Karlsruhe / Aachen / Dettenheim / Waldbronn / Remchingen / Keltern / Weiler. The free journalist Heiderose Manthey turns after opening a new SLAPP complaint against her to all embassies of the earth and to the international press. She calls for help !
Read the whole mail that the Free Journalist and Founder and President of ARCHE writes to the District Court of Pforzheim to avert the new SLAPP lawsuit against her. The attacks on her person have worn down, invalidated and shattered the freelance journalist over the years.
Here is the content of the mail
From: ARCHEVIVA [mailto:archezeit[ät]] Forwarding to ECJ for information – in Cc for the attention and with the urgent request to Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE), Charlie Holt, Member of the Bar of England & Wales with LL.M. degree in International Human Rights Law from Northwestern Law School in the USA and European Commission – EU measures to protect journalists and human rights defenders against abusive judicial proceedings (SLAPP – lawsuits), Katrin Abele and Press Office of the Commission Representation to intervene against the over two decades of state violence against the freelance journalist – Respectfully From: ARCHEVIVA [mailto:archezeit[ät]] Forwarding to Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE), Charlie Holt, Member of the Bar of England & Wales with LL.M. degree in International Human Rights Law from Northwestern Law School in the USA and European Commission – EU measures to protect journalists and human rights defenders against abusive judicial proceedings (SLAPP – lawsuits), Katrin Abele and Press Office of Commission Representation Respectfully From: ARCHEVIVA [mailto:archezeit[ät]] Pforzheim Local Court – here: [File number] Renewed SLAPP action against the freelance journalist Heiderose Manthey – Request: Sending of the file due to torture and extension of the deadline for substantiation Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the District Court of Pforzheim, – in Cc with the request for examination and joint prosecution of the legality in the proceeding of the district court Pforzheim and the public prosecutor’s office Karlsruhe branch Pforzheim in the present case of the renewed SLAPP – complaint against the free journalist and educationalist, Heiderose Manthey, Founder and President of ARCHE as a worldwide networking platform for overcoming the human rights crime „Kinderraub [nicht nur] in Deutschland – Eltern-Kind-Entfremdung – Parental Alienation Syndrome“, called kid – eke – pas for short, to NATO, UN, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CIDTP), UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), Petitions Team Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations Office at Geneva, Office of the Federal President, Federal Constitutional Court Karlsruhe, Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) Berlin, BKA Press Office, State Criminal Police Office Stuttgart (LKA), Federal Criminal Police Office Wiesbaden (BKA), and Berlin Police, Public Relations and Prevention, Police Crime Prevention of the Federal States and the Federation (ProPK), American Military and Criminal Police, Russian Defense Attaché, Petitions Committee of the European Parliament, Federal Prosecutor General and International Criminal Court in DEN HAAG (ICC), ECJ – – in Cc for the attention Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE), Charlie Holt, Member of the Bar of England & Wales with LL.M. degree in International Human Rights Law from Northwestern Law School in the USA and European Commission – EU measures to protect journalists and human rights defenders against abusive judicial proceedings (SLAPP – lawsuits), Katrin Abele and Press Office of the Commission Representation -. – in Cc for the attention of the head of the Remchingen police station, Sabine Schuster, to Remchingen police station, Neuenbürg police station, Pforzheim police headquarters, Pforzheim-Calw criminal investigation department – – in Cc for information to the General Prosecutor’s Office Stuttgart, to the General Prosecutor’s Office Karlsruhe, to the Public Prosecutor’s Office Karlsruhe and to the Public Prosecutor’s Office Karlsruhe-Branch Pforzheim – attached are the requests Sending the file for torture and Extension of the deadline for justification.
⇒ Stop this renewed SLAPP action immediately and
Content and attachments of this mail are exclusively intended for the named addressee(s). It is not permitted to pass on, forward or reproduce the entire mail or parts of it. Attachments |
The text above is published in german language here.
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Read also
The role of the international courts in the human rights crime „child theft [not only] in Germany – parent-child alienation – Parental Alienation Syndrome“, called kid – eke – pas for short
Lawsuits as harassment – protection against SLAPP lawsuits in Germany and Europe
NRW.Discussion. Online on the announced package of the European Commission on strategic lawsuits against public participation