Parental Alienation Expert, Coach, Researcher
Baker is nationally and internationally recognized expert on parental alienation and child psychological maltreatment

Protecting families and parents‘ relationships with their children after separation
International cooperation of PAS experts. Foto: Heiderose Manthey.
Columbia/New York. The latest newsletter from Amy J.L. Baker, Ph.D. reaches ARCHEVIVA. Here, Dr. Baker provides information about her recent empirical findings and publications. According to Google searches, Amy J.L. Baker has a doctorate in developmental psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University. She is a nationally and internationally recognized expert on parental alienation and child psychological maltreatment. She is the author or co-author of 8 books and over 115 articles.
Baker: „Greetings, I hope that this email finds you well. I wanted to share some recent updates and information.
First, I am so pleased to announce the publication of my latest book „Parenting Under Fire: How to Communicate with a Hurt, Angry, Rejecting, Distant Child.“ Improving parenting is a key goal for parents who are dealing with parental alienation. This book helps parents enhance the attachment relationship with their child which can help inoculate children from becoming more alienated. The book also is designed to help parents avoid making parenting mistakes that can inadvertently reinforce the alienation. The book is organized into three sections: in-person communication, texting, and writing a letter to an adult alienated child. You can read more on my blog here: Read Blog and you can purchase the book: Buy Here
Second, I am also proud to share that I have begun my tenth year offering telephone coaching for targeted parents. I have learned so much in that time and have worked with some amazing clients whose courage and steadfast love for their children never ceases to amaze and impress me. I have honed my coaching skills to efficiently provide guidance to parents in their PA journey including how to increase effective communication with the other parent, how to up their parenting skills, and how to avoid pitfalls when interacting with legal and mental health professionals. You can find out more about my coaching Read Here.
Third, in case you missed it, I was interviewed by Jada Pinkett Smith and the Red Table Talk team. You can See the Interview Here
And finally, here is a promotional offer from the audio book publishers of The High Conflict Custody Battle Audiobook Promotion
As always, I wish you the best in your life and especially in your parental alienation situation.
Best, Amy J.L. Baker, Ph.D.“
Read here more
Dr. Baker is a nationally recognized expert in parental alienation, and parent-child relationships, especially children of divorce, and emotional abuse of children. She has a Ph.D. in developmental psychology from Teachers College of Columbia University. She is the author or co-author of 10 books and over 120 academic articles on topics related to children’s well-being.
Goal-Oriented Parental Alienation Coaching
About Parental Alienation
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Publications on ARCHEVIVA
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