Erasing Family Documentary

„25 Million Parents are being erased in North America“


kid – eke – pas überwinden. Zusammenarbeit auf allen Kontinenten der Erde. Foto: Heiderose Manthey.


Erasing Family North America/Keltern-Weiler. Laut Angaben von werden in Nordamerika über 25 MILLIONEN ELTERN nach Scheidung und Trennung aus dem Leben ihrer Kinder entfernt. Der Dokumentarfilm ERASING FAMILY begleitet junge Erwachsene, die um die Vereinigung mit ihren zerbrochenen Familien kämpfen.

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Erasing Family Documentary: „We need to strengthen family bonds after divorce, not #erase them ! … In North America, over 25 MILLION PARENTS are being erased from their children’s lives after divorce and separation. The ERASING FAMILY documentary follows young adults fighting to reunite with their broken families. … Happy endings are possible! The film ends with children and parents being reunited on screen and will inspire other kids to reach out to #erased parents, siblings and grandparents.“ Quelle


Erasing Family Documentary: Trailer Youtube

Erasing Family Documentary: Trailer Website

See also the following lectures and documentaries


Treatment of Attachment-Based „Parental Alienation“

Parental Alienation Toronto Conference – Amy Baker [Q&A]

End Parental Alienation: Parental Alienation Toronto Conference – Douglas Darnall

3. The Pathogen and Mental Health- Dr. Childress

End Parental Alienation